180’s John Walker (El Capitan); Joe Miller (Hub Hyenas); Harvey Lane (Porter House Bees).
Hub Hyenas v Porter House Bees (9-3) (same result as last season)
A great match saw Bees’ captain Eddie Hirst lead off with a 125 but Bob Townsend counter attacked with a 140 and Doc McCawley checked out on D2 for the first of three triples wins for the Hyenas. John Williams (81, 85), Joe Miller (80) and Cyzzle ‘lifeboat’ Harrison’s D4 made light work of the second threesomes. Durrant (81), Townsend (80) and the mighty Miller pulled out a 140, 80 and D1 for the third even though Hirst fished out another 125 from the bag and Harvey Lane added in a 115 to bring them into contention.
On to the pairs and the Bees got their first victory courtesy of Harvey on D9. Hub Captain Williams, clearly still sober at this point, dished out 81, 85, D8 to bring them to 4-1 and then Mummy Lane did her best with an 85 but Mighty Miller topped that with 100 and a D7 out to bring the score to 5-1 before commencement of the head to heads. I’m not sure what tasty morsels were dished-up at half time but ‘by ‘eck Ethel’, it did the trick!
Mummy Lane thought she had a glimmer when she scored 100 but Might Miller clocked up his first 180 of the season and finished on D10. Harvey Lane then came to the rescue having seen Mum succumb in the last leg and produced a spectacular 180 of his own, an 81 and D1 to finish against Capt Willams.
Doc Del McCawley, wanting a piece of this scoring action popped in 100, 98, 81 (S15-D16) against Mel P’s 2×121. The 3rd leg for the Bees came next, courtesy of Daddy Lane’s 95, D7 versus Paul Durrant 98. Bob and Cyzzles took the last two singles in some close games although Bob wore out the T5 rather than the T20. A night of close games, great scoring and two more 180’s.
Angels v Misfits 9-3
Mr Waller was at it again this week and has now been awarded the nickname ‘lipstick’ I know not why? He scored 140, 100 in the first triples and finished on D6 and then in his singles against Dickimus Maximus he show-boated with a 120, 100 and bull finish to earn him MOTM. Kane Hickman should also have been in with a shout for that title when he scored 174 in his pairs but Paul Lock put paid to that with D3. Hickman got his revenge in the singles though beating Paul with a 120, D1.
Captain Sonya never lets her side down and won her singles but MOTM for the Misfits was awarded to Angie Chick with her D4 finish in the 3rd triples with Sonya and Leah against Waller, Gripwell and Hastings.
Junction Jaguars v Pint Depot Queens (6-6) (last season 8-4)
The Jags got their first point this week but were disappointed it wasn’t two. Kitted out in their new purple shirts they contrasted well with the pretty pink queens.
There must have been something in their drinks though and not only did they miss their doubles all too often they also missed the table a few times when downing their tipples and play was stopped at least 3 times for the sweep and mop-up process.
High scores and finishes for the Jags: de Lacy (129, 125, 95/ D15, D5); Wendy Woo (95,115); Pat 90, D13; Hilda 90, D8; Lesley Eagles D4, D2; Liz Cowan 90. MOTM Liz (Jaguars) Vi Turner (PD Queens)