The Local Touch and Expo Torrevieja are proud to announce their first Clubs and Associations Day. If your club would like to attend the event, please email Keith at:, ASAP, and space permitting, we’d love to have you at the show.
Admission to show is absolutely free. It’s a perferct opportunity for residents and visitors to find out more about the vast and varied number of Clubs and Associations located throughout the Vega Baja region. It’s one day only and admission is free.
WHERE: Torrevieja Christian Fellowship, Torrevieja
WHEN: Thursday November 2nd, 2017
OPENING TIMES: 10:00am until 2:00pm
WHAT: Torrevieja Clubs and Associations Day
COST OF ENTRY: free… zero… zilch…nada… nothing… open to everyone
LIMITED SPACE: The nature of the size of the room means that spaces are limited to 40 Clubs, Associations or NGOs. But if you can bring your own Card Table, we can possibly fit a few more in.

LOVE TO BE THERE BUT CAN’T ATTEND: Let us know if you can’t attend and you can drop off your information for us, which we will put on a table in the entrance for visitors to pick up
CHAIRS AND TABLES: Many of you may have your own fold out card tables and a display / pull up, etc.. If you would like to bring this along, please let us know. We have plenty of seats.
TEA AND COFFEE: There is a comfortable area at the entrance to the Exhibition room for tea, coffee and snacks.
Please support the Torrevieja Christian Fellowship whose volunteers will be the ones with a smile on their faces, serving you.
ADDRESS: Av. de las Cortes Valencianas, 68, 03183 Torrevieja, Alicante
send your details to:
In the subject Line please write: Clubs and Associations Day (plus the name of your club or association)