Madrid, September 15, 2017. An international symposium was held this morning in the European Parliament’s Office in Madrid, attended by twelve representatives of the Eurogroup Europe of the Nations and Freedoms and other participants such as Rafael Bardají, member of GEES (Strategic Studies Group) and former adviser to the governments of José María Aznar in Defense.

The conference, entitled “Post-Brussels for a political construction of a Europe of nations”, has served to strengthen VOX relations with parties that form part of the Eurogroup Europe of Nations and Freedoms.

Santiago Abascal has met with Nicolas Bay, secretary general of the National Front and president of the Eurogroup, with whom he has been able to analyze the future of the European Union, the threat of Islamism and the progress in the collaboration between VOX and the different parties of the quoted above.

Nicolas Bay has stated that “massive immigration, as we know it today, threatens the essence of each of our nations” and added that “when Spain fights against illegal immigration, it defends all the nations of Europe” .

Santiago Abascal has explained “the need to make our model of civilization prevail, incompatible with the totalitarian discourse of the Salafist imams.” And he has detailed VOX proposals in this area: “closing down fundamentalist mosques and the expulsion of imams who do not condemn jihadism, withdrawing nationality and expelling Europe from those who show by any means their support for Islamic fundamentalism , criminal hardening, up to effective life imprisonment for jihadist terrorists, international initiatives for military intervention against the Islamic Caliphate, suspension of alliances with regimes suspected of financing jihad or expanding fundamentalist Islam, a drastic change in refugee policy prioritizing Christian refugees, Yazadis and other persecuted minorities, and opposition to the entry of Turkey (where jihad is fattened) in Europe, thus preventing the EU from being a border with Syria and Iraq. ”

VOX and the French National Front

VOX has held meetings with European parties that hold points about the “diagnosis” of Europe’s problems and the possible “political treatment” that should be applied. These coinciding points are the defense of national interests against supranational organizations, greater control of borders and massive immigration and the importance of guaranteeing the national identities of EU member states.

In this context, VOX has advanced in recent months these relationships and opening prospects for future collaborations with these parties. On January 21 of this year, Santiago Abascal participated in the “Freedom for Europe” summit in Koblenz, together with the leaders of the European Parliament’s parties “Europe of Nations and Liberties” which include Marine Le Pen of the French National Front, Frauke Petry of Alternativa for Germany, and Geert Wilders of the Dutch party PVV (Freedom Party).

In the case of the French National Front, respecting the differences and focusing on the coinciding points, a VOX delegation held, on November 9, 2016, a meeting with Louis Aliot, vice-president of the French National Front party at the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium) as the starting point for these relations and on 25 February Edouard Ferrand, Vice-President of the Eurogroup Europe of Nations and Freedoms and Member of the Front National French Political Committee, participated in the conference “The New Era in world politics “of the VOX Winter Camp that the party held in Burgos. During the conference, Edouard Ferrand said: “It is critical that the Spanish people develop and expand a true popular movement at the service of their sovereignty and identity. And that will be done here with VOX. VOX friends, you are not alone. Today, with the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedoms, the European group of Nations and Freedoms in the European Parliament is capable of proposing a totally alternative European project to the globalist Europe of Brussels ” .

Finally, on April 17, 2017, Santiago Abascal, together with several members of the VOX National Executive Committee (CEN), held a meeting with Marine Le Pen in the French city of Perpignan during the election campaign of the French elections.