Although the CC.OO., UGT and USE unions have suspended the strikes planned across Spain’s network of airports for the remainder of September pending further negotiations, there is still no news of the additional days of planned action scheduled to take place during October, November and December.

The three trade union delegates who are representing their unions have assured the press that they still “see very favourable perspectives” so that, in coming meetings, the parties will be able to  reach an agreement that will put an end to the conflict with the airport management company Aena and Enaire who direct the air traffic controllers.

Only a collapse in the negotiations, which unions say are due to be completed by the end of this month, would once again resurrect the threat of strikes at all Spanish airports in the autumn.

However, yesterday evening, the general secretary of CCOO in AENA, Francisco Casado, said that following Tuesdays meeting held with officials of Aena and Enaire there has been “some progress” in terms of employment and wages, but that they “are still not enough”, but negotiations will continue.

Speaking to the press, Casado explained that they felt “quite disappointed”, particularly after the progress made last week. “The attitude of the employers was not what we expected after the engagement  we had last Thursday” with the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing , Julio Gómez-Pomar, in which all three unions and the two company’s were mandated to finding an agreement.

See earlier article at: