Andrea’s Animal Rescue and the Henrietta Foundation are desperately seeking funding to continue their unending challenge of rescuing ill treated donkeys, and other animals. The charity based in Murcia was set up in 2008 and is presently overwhelmed with mistreated, injured and abandoned donkeys and other animals, so they are trying to raise 100,000€ to purchase further land to add to the premises they already have.

The charity is funded by Andrea and her husband Kevin, and by the generous people who donate money and items to support 2 charity shops manned by loyal volunteers in Roldan and Mazarron, plus auctions set up on social media, but with Vets bills costing up to 3,000€ for a severely injured donkey, and in excess of 9,000€ a year for feed, bedding, farriers fees, livery and much more including the running and maintenance of transport, they are struggling to raise the money needed to buy extra land.
They have helped many injured and distressed donkeys, mules and ponies. One in particular the smallest and thinnest donkey they have seen was being ridden by 3 drunken youths, whilst being beaten by a fourth until the donkey collapsed. This poor animal was saved by a witness who actually paid the owner for the donkey and then contacted the charity.
Another don

key was literally being eaten alive by a pack of dogs and had a 25cm hole in his leg, and had to be hospitalised. He was treated at the Hospital Veterinario San Vicente, in Alicante, who provide enormous help and support to the charity.
These are just a small example of cases the charity has dealt with, and there are many more out there waiting for someone to help them.
The Charity also works with Seprona the animal welfare section of the Guardia Civil and is on call for USECO in Cartagena, the animal welfare section of the Police Local. At the moment any abandoned donkeys, mules or ponies reported to them have to be fed and watered, if possible, where they are found, so the purchase of more land is becoming more and more critical. The most recent case being a donkey abandoned in the fields just outside of Cartagena which they travel to on a daily basis with food and water.
With extra land they can provide permanent sanctuary to animals that cannot be re homed due to their earlier mistreatment and injuries. For example one donkey is totally blind, another has an eye missing, and several had hooves so overgrown for so long that they now have deformed legs and difficulty in walking.
Re homing is another issue as Spanish legislation is making it more and more difficult for anyone to adopt or foster equines.
At the moment they are overwhelmed. Apart from the 21 donkeys, mules and ponies at the Rescue Centre they have several in livery, and foster care and at least 8 donkeys and ponies on a waiting list. They want to help them, but they desperately, desperately need more land.

The Charity has also helped many dogs suffering in the Murcia area. One dog “Toby”was found in Los Vivancos. He was a bundle of skin and bone weighing no more than 5kgs, and suffering from Leishmania, a parasite infection caused by sandflies. He was so ill he had to have 24 hour care, but after 4 months Toby now weighs a normal 15kgs, and although he still has health issues and will be on medication for the rest of his life he is a happy boy, as he now has a forever home with Andrea and Kevin.
Since 2008 they have re homed hundreds of dogs. Many in Spain, and the UK and also many in collaboration with other associations throughout Europe, in Canada and in the USA.
Andrea’s Animal Rescue and Henrietta Foundation’s aim is also to educate families and children in the care and treatment of animals, by arranging open days and activities to provide more understanding and to help stop the continuing mistreatment of animals.
Take a look at their Facebook page to see the tireless work they do.
Andrea’s Animal Rescue and the Henrietta Foundation Charity no: 9.980/1a
Donations can be made via:
Please mark donations with reference Sanctuary Land. If possible
Or direct to the bank:
Account name ASOC Andreas Animal Rescue and the Henrietta Foundation
Bank: Caja Rural
IBAN: es9830185740682015846617
BIC: bcoeesmm018
Please mark donations with reference Sanctuary Land. If possible