Monday brought league leaders La Marina Pilots to the Isle, and they went away winners by 10=4 aggregate 88=105, winning trips for EI where T Capewell S Watson G Ferguson 26=9, M Riley G Dyer C Warner 19=16
The Earls played at Country Bowls on Wed in VCL game and the home team were the winners by 10=4,,but Emerald Isle took the aggregate 101=100,winners for E,I E Morris B Doran B Eldred J Mullarkey 31=10
Friday saw the Vulcans travel Vistabella Greeners and had a bad day with home team winning 14= 0 aggregate 75=122
At home the victors played Vistabella Fairways and had a great 12=2 aggregate,,107=88,,winners were M Highland S Wickens M Odell 24=13,,P Heaney C Highland D Birkett 21=17, C Parsons M Veale D Gerrard 21=18 A Burns LBurns B Kavanagh 15=13, P Coffey M Parsons J Pooley 15=13

In the Hurricane division The Gladiators were at home to Vistabella Greeners, final score was – Total shots for – 90. Against – 119. Points for – 6. Against – 8. Winning rinks were – Sheila Stead, Jean Thompson, skip Dave Thompson. 18 shots to 16. Janet Bliss, Frank Saunders, skip John OBrien. 24 shots to 19. Dave Field, Jean Giddings, skip Jim Oliver. 21 shots to 13.
The Gladiators were in action again on Friday, making the trip to Montemar a very rewarding one, the torreadors had a bad day at the office and so the final scores on the doors were – total shots for 112. against – 71. Points for – 12. against – 2 . winning rinks were – ….Joan Oliver, Ronnie Stansfield Sue Brown. 22 shots to 7. Sandra Jones, Margaret Dewar, Dave Dudding. 19 shots to 11. Phil Lockley, Mary Lockley, Kim Hunter. 18 shots to 9. Jean Thompson, Sheila Stead, Dave Thompson. 16 shots to 12. Dave Field, Jean Giddings, Jim Oliver 22 shots to 14. Well done, an excellent result.
For all enquiries about joining Greenlands Bowls Club, please telephone Haley on 966844399.

The Pilots flew away to the Emerald Isle to play the Vulcans and came back with another good win of 10-4. Four winning rinks plus the overall shots. Barry and Margaret Sadler and Mo Kidd in fine form 22-8 so were Sue Daniels, John Rae and Anne Stone 25-12. Terry and Jean Perchard along with Lorita Rae 17-12 and with the same difference John Morgan, Tom Spencer and Gina Hindle 16-11.
La Marina and the VCL aren’t very compatible at the moment as we went to San Miguel and got rather harshly beaten again. This time 12-2. Our only winning rink came from Dave Taylor, John Rae, Carol Smith and Mo Taylor. Mo had a great game and rumour has it that Dave was so pleased that a trip to some dress shops is on the cards.
The Pilots had their second game on Friday where they played the Quesada Lancasters away and got bombed off the green losing 10-4 although the overall shots was only a measly six shots. Len Daniels, Steve Hindle and Dave O’Sullivan won 17-10 while our top winning trip was John Morgan, Tom Spencer and Gina Hindle.

Not such a good week for the Wasps in the South Alicante League,Spitfire Division, with two defeats.On Monday a 14 points to nil reverse at home to Vistabella Fairways by 124 shots to 81.Two rinks put up creditable performances with Beryl Styring with Mike and Florence Edwards losing by a single shot 14-15 whilst Irene Laverick,Ramsey Sinclair and Alex Morrice went down by 18 shots to 20.
On Friday the Wasps travelled to San Miguel Moors and faired slightly better picking up 4 points to their opponents 10.The overall shots being 94 to 112.The winning rinks for the Wasps were Beryl Styring with Mike and Florence Edwards winning by 21 shots to 10 whilst Pat Moore, Norman Adcroft and Irene Mangan gained a comfortable 25 shot to 13 win.
The Hornets in the South Alicante League,Harrier Division, continued their unbeaten winning run with a 10 points to 4 win at home to Horadada Hawks who themselves were high in the League.The overall shots which may prove vital at the end of the season were 110 to 94 in favour of the Hornets.
The winning rinks for the Hornets came from Jean James,Alan Ralph and Johnnie Ryder by 27shots to 11,Hilary Clarke,Trish Reilly and Vic Mahomet by 19 shots to 15 and by the narrowest of margins 15 shots to 14 from Penny Porter,Sid Gallup and John Clarke and by 20 shots to 19 by Wendy Ralph with Barbara and Jack Cooper.
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Champions of Champions
Ladies pairs got through to the second round and then lost. The men’s singles lost on the first round, men’s singles lost in the quarter finals. The mixed trips lost in the final against Finca Guila the team was Brian Zelin, Sue Kemp and Danny King. The mixed rinks got through to the finals which was played on Monday 24th April. The rinks team consisted of Roy Mercer, Jan Gatward, Geraldine and Gordon Fisher.
The opposition from San Louis was Steve Simmons, Keith Jones, Sabrina and Russell Marks. Monte Mar walked on water that day and kept San Louis off the score board until the tenth end. San Louis conceded the game after sixteen ends the score being 21 to Monte Mar – 11 to San Louis. A good eight days bowling and the weather was kind, some days a bit chilly but dry. Well done to all who took part,
a special well done to Roy Mercer, Jan Gatward, Geraldine and Gordon Fisher on winning the Mixed Rinks.
Monday 24th April.
Monte Mar entertained a visiting team from Chiltern Bowls Club. Six games of rinks were played on a warm and sunny day. Monte Mar did very well but results are not important, as everyone had a very enjoyable and friendly morning’s bowling. After the game we all had a lovely meal together in the Rincon Restaurant. The extra bonus for the visitors was that they won both raffle prizes.
Monday 1st May.
Monte Mar Torro’s v Quesada Lancaster’s
On a lovely May Day there was some very good bowling by both teams. The Lancaster’s won on three rinks and the Toro’s won on two rinks and drew on one.
Well done to the winning rinks of Ronnie Cairns, June Young and skip Dave Melville. Denise Ashberry, Val Hignett and skip Alan Ashberry. Also well done to our drawing team of Keith Simpson, Joe Ridley and skip Diane Ridley.
Shots Torro’s 93 – 99 Lancaster’s. Points Torro’s 5 – 9 Lancaster’s.
Wednesday 3rd May.
Monte Mar Lords v Greenlands Jasmines.
After a long lay off we played our second game in the VCL League against Greenlands Jasmines. It was a good result for Monte Mar winning on four rinks.
Shots Lords 119 – 93 Jasmines. Points Lords 10 – 4 Jasmines.
Well done everyone.
Friday 5th May.
Monte mar Torro’s v Greenlands Gladiators
Not a good day for the Torro’s well beaten by the Gladiators, with the Torro’s winning on one rink. Well done to our winning rink of Harry Dobson, Mike Farrelly and skip Bill Young.
Shots Monte Mar 71 – 112 Gladiators. Points 2 – 12 Gladiators.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website www.montemarbowls.com or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on Facebook.
A busy week for all our teams; before the National Championships start next weekend.
Spitfire Division: SL Wellingtons Monday 1st May, a good result away v SM Moors, 12pts-2, shots 107-83. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 21-14, Colin Jackson, Keith Roberts, Phil Morrachan 15-13, Allen Bowen, Neil Morrison, Suzi Cooper 18-12, Judy Carroll, Bill Webb, Mal Hughes 19-10, Carol Lowry, Les Bedford, Keith Lowry 15-15, Mags Haines, Bob White, Vic Slater 19-19.
Thursday 4th home v SM Christians, close fought game, shots 103-90, 10pts-4. Winners: Bob White, Sheila Cammack, Brian Pocock 18-16, Judy Carroll, Bill Webb, Phil Morrachan 16-14, Margaret Morrison, Jan Pocock, Neil Morrison 22-19, Carol Lowry, Pam Lockett, Keith Lowry 22-9. Friday 5th, home v Q Blenheims. The Wellingtons battled hard, winning 9-5, shots 106-96. Winners: Allen Bowen, Neil Morrison, Keith Jones 25-9, Judy Carroll, Pam Lockett, Mal Hughes 20-12, Jan Pocock, Sheila Cammack, Brian Pocock 17-14, Colin Jackson, Keith Roberts, Phil Morrachan 19-19.
Harrier Division: SL Hercules, Monday 1st home v CB Badgers, a good result 100-90, 13pts-1. Winners: Marie Henly, Chris Brooks, Dave Steadman 16-15, Kath Waywell, Ian Ross, Robin Harker 16-15, Dennis Jackson, Caz Blay, Sue Ross 22-21, Roger Inwards, Danny McErlean, Harry Epsom 12-12, Doug Beattie, Chris Jackson, Fay Beattie 19-14, Helen Hammond, Bob Bromley, Scott Malden 15-13. Friday 5th away v CB Badgers; just missing out on shots 96-103, 6pts-8. Winners: Doug Beattie, Chris Jackson, Fay Beattie 22-5, Kath Waywell, Caz Blay, Bob Bromley 26-16, Helen Hammond, Dave Tilley, Scott Malden 18-16.
Wednesday 3rd VCL, SL Falcons away v VB Saxons; another hard fought match, points 8-6, shots 103.25-100. Winners: singles, Pam Lockett 21-17, 3’s Shirley Verity, Jo & Jules Pering 28-13, 4’s Bill Webb, Chris Brooks, June & Keith Jones 17-13.
We are currently looking for new members to join us for the 2017/18 winter season. We are aiming to enter an extra team in the leagues this year. With 4 teams there should be plenty of games for everyone. We welcome all bowlers, from the most experienced to those who want to step up from purely “social” bowling to the league challenge. We are a very competitive but friendly club and Casa Ventura itself is a hub for the local area, offering a wide range of non-bowling activities.
For more information please check: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com or contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691903773.
Sheila Cammack
Back to a busy schedule of bowling now the Champions of Champions have finished first of all I would like to congratulate everybody who get through to the Champions of Champions and well done to Gail Willshire and Lynn Greenland who won the Ladies Pairs. Well done to Alan and Margaret Patterson, Cliff and Linda Plaisted who got through to the Semi Finals in the Rinks.
27th April saw the Christians playing away to Emerald Isle Victors this was a rearranged game played in the afternoon, Christians lost to Emerald Isle 4-10, Shots 109- 122. 1st May Christians played away to Quesada Blenheims, Christians lost to Quesada 2-12 Shots 107- 122. 4th May Christians played away to San Luis Wellingtons Christians lost to San Luis 4-10 Shots 90- 103 Christians are consistent.
28th April Moors played at Home to Emerald Victors Moors won 9-5 Shots 113-100 1st May Moors played at Home to San Luis Wellingtons Moors lost to San Luis 2-12 Shots 83-107.
VCL Deputies 3rd May La Siesta Deputies won 8- 6 but lost the overall shots, Shots 103-112.
Club Mornings 09.45-for 10.15 Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
WASPS still on a Wednesday afternoon. Come along and try it out, bowlers of all abilities welcome woods, shoes and tuition all for 5 euros.
Come along for 1.30 and have a good afternoon bowling.
For information on the club, please contact President Rosamond Stockell 965320778 or Secretary Pat McEwan 966714257.
Mon 1st May. Spitfire league Fairways away to the La Siesta wasps, what a wonderful result, a full house..the wasps got stung! Well done team, E Blythe, C Watkins & B Pain 28-12. L Bishop, J Bowman & M Regan 28-14. B Regan, G Paylor & I Kenyon 17-10. Mo Foulcer, S Allman & M Foulcer 16-13. T French, D Howard & E Bishop 20-18, B Brown, A Brown & K Cuthbert 15-14. Shots, VB 124 (14) – 81(0) LS.
Fri 5th May away to Emerald Isle Victors, what can I say but whoops, the wheels fell off! Some very close calls but only one win, E Blythe, C Watkins & Bill Pain won 14-11. Never mind we will get back on track. Shots VB 88(2) – 107(12) E.l.
Mon 1st. Hurricane league Greeners away to Greenlands Gladiators picking up eight points from the teams of H Marshall, B Ewart & P Whitehall 28-7. P Rafferty, S Jenkins (R Smith as sub) & B Corbishly 20-9. D Gunning, P Cadwell & B Norris 23-11. Shots, VB 119(8) – 90(6) G.
Fri 5th the Greeners were at home v Emerald Isle Vulcans and what a wonderful win, the second full house this week for Vistabella! M Irwin, S Norris & P Rafferty 20-9. D Gunning, P Cadwell & B Norris 20-10. S Cox, S Whitehall & Les Barber 21-15. H Marshall, B Ewert & P Whitehall 21-13. F Barclay, S Jenkins & B Corbishly 21-13. R Savage, K Savage & A Kendall 19-15. Shots, 122(14) – 75(0) EI.
VCL. Vikings Away to Quesada Lions. A very competitive game with the home team getting the edge, a very good result never the less. Singles, Martin Foulcer 21-16. Jenny Bowman 21-17 Rinks, Lynne Bishop, Dane Howard, Pat Rafferty & Eric Bishop 14-11. Shots, VB 94(6) – 105(8) Q.
The Saxons at home had a similar result at home against San Luis Falcons. Singles, Ian Kenyon 21-12. Pairs, Del Gunning & Peter Whitehall 19-14. Rinks, Sheila Cox, Mike Cox, Les Barber & Brian Pointon 17-11.25. (San Luis failing to field a full side). Shots, VB 100(6) – 103.25 (8) SL.
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