Keith Brown, the pastor of La Siesta Evangelical Church celebrated his 70th birthday last Wednesday afternoon amongst very nearly 100 family and friends at the Sunrise Restaurant in La Mosca, Playa Flamenca.
In treating his guests to a wonderful lunch with wine, Keith asked that, rather than bring along a present, each invitee make a donation to the Church Mission in Zimpeto, Mozambique, which is sponsored by the church and where Tracey Williams is one of the leading lights.

He explained that Tracey is responsible for approximately 50 toddlers and babies at the centre, which caters for about 300 children, who are either orphans or whose parent’s can no longer care for them. Tracey very generously helps to fund her work from her own pocket, and has been doing so for over 15 years.
Unfortunately her funds have rather dried up in recent weeks, in much the same way as the local borehole, and she is at a loss as to how she can continue in the immediate future.
Tracey’s work is also made more difficult by the uncertain political situation in Mozambique and the vagaries of the weather which has led to widespread drought in recent months.
Quite how much the gesture would provide was an unknown quantity but when Keith and wife Cathy dismantled the money tree and tallied up the donations they found that they had raised the amazing sum of 2.350.00 euros.
This money, which will help to alleviate the centre’s immediate needs, will now be despatched to Tracey at the Zimpeto home, allowing her a little additional security in the coming weeks.
La Siesta Evangelical Church continues to support Tracey with prayers as well as financially. Please do keep her, the children and her colleagues, at the centre in your prayers.
Should you wish to donate to this extremely worthwhile cause please email Keith for more information at:
And of course a very happy birthday to Pastor Keith who’s gesture will no doubt soon be putting a very broad smile on the faces of a lot of very young Mozambicans.