Orihuela City Council is calling upon International Residents to ensure that they are in possession of a Padon, if required to be so, and that they are still in date (de Renovación de Empadronamiento).
The appeal was launched last week by the Councillor for Statistics, Noelia Grao, and the Councillor for International Residents Sofia Álvarez.
In outlining the requirement, Noelia Grao said that “residents have the obligation to register on the Padron if they have exceeded 180 days (3 months) of residency in a municipality, so that they can opt for municipal services, health and education.”
Residents of EU countries also have to renew their Padron every six years, while those from non-EU countries have to do so every two years.
Álvarez added that whilst BREXIT negotiations are taking place, appearing on the register “is not a guarantee, but a step toward guaranteeing the future acquired rights of the British community”. She said that Embassies and Consulates also confirm that if dwellers are registered there will be more possibility of them being able to continue receiving free education and health care in the future.”

The council estimates that there are more than 6,000 inhabitants of international origin who are not currently registered, which will reduce the income that the municipality receives from the state by about 18 million euros. As such it can be seen that registration is important in order to ensure that these available funds are accessible in order to enable maximum finance for municipal services.
Renewals are being carried out until the middle of April with the Local Police, accompanied by translators, also being used to check the data at many registered addresses.
Residents who live on the coast can visit the Playa Flamenca Town Hall during normal office hours in order to check, renew or register and there will also be an office opened for residents of Entrenaranjos, on Wednesday, March 29 and April 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.