The water deputy from Alicante Diputación, Francisco Sáez, and the mayor of Bigastro, Teresa Belmonte, have signed an agreement in which the Provincial Government will fund the replacement of the public water network in la calle Velázquez and the surrounding area.
The project, which was originally included in the 2016 water efficiency budget, will cost 34,000 euro.
As part of the work to be carried out, 142 meters of new 90-millimeter polyethylene pipe, two new fire hydrants and two ductile iron pipe crossings will be installed.
The works have been agreed following complaints from local residents who say that the water pressure in the area is minimal and certainly not enough to provide a suitable supply in the event of any fire.
Whilst the Alicante Deputy was in the town he took the opportunity to visit the president and members of the Community of Irrigators of San Joaquin de Bigastro to look at future improvements that might be necessary at the pumping station, outlet and reservoir system which provides the water to local farmers for irrigation.