SAMM, the Sailing Association Mar Menor is not just about sailing, there is an active social program organised by the Social Committee, ably led by their Chairwoman Jill Chorley.

The latest event was the Valentines Dinner and Dance held at the restaurant Ruf Mari in Los Urrutias. Many club members had not yet returned to Spain so could not attend but 43 people were able to make it and, after a fabulous meal, partied the night away to music provided by ‘Soft Sax’, aka Mrs Wendy Grant.
During a break in the dancing the Commodore, Paul Shard, presented a bouquet to Jo Perring who was retiring from the position of membership secretary.
A good time was had by everybody who attended who are now looking forward to the next knees-up, the SAMM Spring Bash, held over three days at the hotel Costa Narejos in May.
To find out more about SAMM have a look at their web site at