REIKI is one of the most ancient healing methods known to mankind.  It originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the 19th century by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui.  The tradition of Reiki is referred to in 2500-year-old writings in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language. The Usui System of Natural Healing, named after Dr. Usui has been passed down by Reiki masters since that time and is today practiced worldwide.

As humans we have Universal Life Energy all around us and within us.  The Japanese word “rei-ki” consists of two syllables: “rei” which describes the cosmic, universal aspect of this energy and “ki”, which means the fundamental life force flowing and pulsating in all living things. This life force energy is given to us at birth. We bring with us a certain amount of “ki” to life, and we use it up in the business of ordinary daily living.  We then have to create a daily supply of new energy. When we are unable to make up for our energy consumption for a prolonged  period, we may become physically or emotionally ill.  If our supply of life force energy is very low and depleted, we suffer from physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, and tend to be much more irritable, bad-tempered and depressed than usual. We find different words for this fundamental force in all different cultures and religions of the world.

 The Chinese know “ki” as “chi”, Hindus say “prana”, and Christians call it “light” and, in our modern Western language, we use the words “bioenergy” or “cosmic energy”


REIKI is a natural and simple healing method which allows you to absorb more life force energy.  The Reiki method vitalizes your life force and balances the energies in your body.  This natural healing energy flows in a powerful and concentrated form through the hands of the Reiki giver.  The laying on of the hands directs the healing energy on to the body of the receiver.

The Reiki giver is used as a channel to conduct the  Universal Life Energy, and as a result, no personal energy is drawn or drained for the giver, who is simultaneously charged and strengthened. If you seek healing and are open and willing to let this healing power flow through you, then you can become a channel for the Reiki force.  Once you are a channel then the ability to use Reiki remains within you for the rest of your life.  This is the “truth” which is beyond proof in ordinary scientific terms.


Reiki usually helps healing of all kinds and relieves pains and acute symptoms very quickly.  It also has a positive influence on spiritual growth.  After a treatment, you may feel mentally much clearer about things and experience deep insights into particular questions or problems you are facing. Reiki can then help you to make the right changes and decisions in your life, if that is what you need or want to achieve.

Reiki affects each person differently, but it always acts wherever the receiver needs it most.  However, there are common effects that everyone experiences.  Energy used up in everyday life is replaced, so that that when you feel exhausted or drained, the resulting imbalance, which may adversely affect you physically, emotionally and mentally, can be put right.

If you suffer from stress, you may react with physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach aches, frequent colds, kidney pains, and general digestive disorders.  These symptoms are the expression of excessive negative stress, accompanied by an imbalance of the energy system. To relieve these symptoms your energy needs to be restored.  For example, a lowered immune system or a weak organ that is not functioning properly and which needs recharging with extra energy.

Then Reiki can balance the energies in the body, helping you to let go and relax, so reducing stress. At the same time, it promotes the development of positive reactions to stressful situations. In other words, not only the symptoms but also the causes can be healed.  Reiki strengthen and harmonises the immune system.  We continually use up life force energy without replacing it, Reiki helps us to replenish and add to our energy, and in this way, helps to create a healthy body.


The purpose of Reiki is to supply the body with additional energy which it can use for healing itself.  Reiki can be used safely regardless of whatever illness the receiver is suffering from, but you should always seek the advice of a specialist doctor in addition to any Reiki you receive.  Reiki makes no diagnoses and is intended to be used as a complimentary healing method.  In the case of acute disorders such as inflammations, influenza, colds, digestive disorders, gall or kidney stones, backaches, and headaches, Reiki often acts very quickly and directly by easing the pain and accelerating healing.

Reiki can also be applied directly as First Aid, as it stops bleeding in open wounds and has a very calming influence on the nervous system, particularly when the people are in shock after an accident.  With Reiki, you can also provide relief from allergies, arthritis and other chronic disorders.  As Reiki supports and compliments other medical and natural healing techniques, you can combine it with other treatments, for example. With allopathic or homeopathic treatments, body therapies, counselling and speech-therapy and other psychological treatments. A Reiki healer is charged with energy and becomes a channel for Universal Life Energy. Reiki is a gift of the universe, available to us all.


In summary, Reiki is all-embracing in its effect.  It involves your body, mind and soul and then attempts to set all these aspects of your being into a harmonious balance.  Your personal energy as a giver, is not transmitted to the receiver during a treatment; you are merely a channel.  If (without having been attuned to Reiki) you try laying your hands on someone else, energy is still passed on, but at a much lower intensity than if you are attuned to Reiki.  This is because Reiki is a highly powerful vibrating force, or light energy.

While the Universal Life energy flows through you, as the giver, during a treatment, it is also fortifying and harmonizing you at the same time.  You may also experience Reiki as a force which brings you more closely in contact with yourself, opening you up and allowing you to be more loving with yourself and with others.  It is a unifying force which brings you closer to a condition of oneness and connection with the “whole”

SO – what Reiki does is passes from the giver to receiver, working on many different levels. It brings all aspects of the receiver’s being into harmonious balance, according to their individual needs and desires. It will :

  Balances the energies in the body.

  Enhances personal awareness and helps meditative states.

  Heals holistically.

  Relaxes and reduces stress.

  Strengthens the immune system.

  Promotes creativity.

  Relieves pain.

  Strengthens life force energy.

  Clears toxins.

  Strengthens intuition.

  Treats symptoms and causes of illness.

  Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions.

  Releases blocks and suppressed feelings.

  Promotes natural self-healing.

  Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver.


Animals seem to like receiving Reiki and sense immediately that something special is being given to them by human hands.  It is very unusual to come across animals who do not accept Reiki energy; often they become calm and relaxed in the course of a treatment and this is something to be respected by humans.  Usually animals show you with their body position where to place your hands. Cats and dogs and other animals tend to remain lying down for as long as they need Reiki and they will generally stand up or jump away when they have had enough. Twenty or thirty minutes treatment is usually sufficient.

For animals who have undergone an operation, Reiki can be very beneficial, so give it directly afterwards. Subsequent daily treatments can then speed up recovery considerably.  Before operations and before anaesthesia, Reiki is highly recommended for both large and small animals. They willingly accept the calming effect of Reiki hands. Their breathing slows down and their heartbeat becomes regular. Reiki also helps them to recover far more quickly from the anaesthetic.

In general animals like being touched on the head- behind the ears, under the chin, and in the middle of the forehead above the eyes.  You can also treat the belly, chest and back and organs as necessary. For fish and birds, lay your hands around the whole aquarium or birdcage.  You can hold small birds in one hand and lay the other around them.

Because of close cohabitation with humans, pets increasingly tend to suffer from human-style illnesses such as colds, allergies and tumours. Just as we suffer from stress, pets can suffer from stress similarly, experiencing negative effects on the immune system. Today, there are more and more veterinary surgeons keen to try alternative and complimentary healing methods such as homeopathy, Bach Flower Therapy, and Reiki, and who use these successfully in their treatments.

Many animals become very upset when being taken to the veterinarian. They seem nervous and afraid.  To help calm them, in the waiting room and during the examination, or while being given an injection, hold the animal and allow Reiki to flow into it.  During the examination, animals seem to be less anxious if they are touched by Reiki hands.  You can help soothe and harmonize their powerful emotional reactions.


If you want to experience a “taster” of Reiki either before actually committing yourself to attunement, or just to relax, try this exercise.  This exercise will have the same relaxing effects as Reiki but without the added power and impact provided by the Universal Life Energy through attunement.

  1. Make yourself comfortable either sitting down or lying on your back and and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breath and follow its rhythm. Notice how it flows in and out.
  1. Think of the colours of the rainbow and surround the room with then and then choose one of those colours that is suitable for you and breathe in that colour
  1. Now put your hands on your body wherever you feel drawn to or where you feel tension. Use your intuition to locate the spot in your body that needs relaxation the most.

4.Now direct your breathing consciously and repeatedly to this place.  Imagine that your breath is the Universal Life Energy which flows through you. Let it collect and expand under your hands. Notice how a feeling of relaxation and peace gradually spreads from that place beneath your hands throughout your entire body

  1. After a short while (about five minutes) place your hands on another part of your body. Once again breathe into your hands during the whole exercise. You may find that your breath changes in some positions as the body stores memories and experiences which can now be awakened. It is not necessary to consciously probe feelings or initiate stronger breathing. Just allow yourself to let go and plunge into this feeling of flowing.

6.Move on to two further places on your body and charge them energy.

  1. Slowly open your eyes, stretch yourself, and return to your normal daytime consciousness. You will feel more relaxed, calmer and more centred.                                                                                                                                                           If you feel that you would like to enjoy the benefits of a Reiki treatment, please contact Christine Quinlan at Body Harmony on 966 795 103 or email…