A rather chilly start to this year’s Valentine’s Cup but nevertheless, the Orba Warblers made a good day of it. A Medal competition is never easy on the best of days but the following players had their game up to scratch.

The winner of this years Valentine’s Cup was Rosemary Edwards ( Hcap. 22.5 ) coming in with an impressive net 70 – well done Rosemary. Second was Fred Cooley ( Hcap. 11.4 ) with a net 73. In 3rd. place was Bob Edwards ( Hcap. 8.5 ) with net 74 followed in 4th. and 5th. place by Steve Smith ( Hcap. 6 ) and Peter Gibson ( Hcap. 22.2 ) both with net 75 and finally in 6th. our very own ex- Captain David Knight ( Hcap. 9.6 ) with net 76.
Steve Smith recorded the lowest Gross of 81. Well done everyone for a day that was challenging and chilly.
There were 3 nearest pins – Hole 3 – Steve Smith, Hole 11 – Jan Wilson and Hole 16 – Michael Morley. And 4 2s – Hole 3 – David Knight and Hole 16 – Bob Edwards, Micheal Morley and Chrís Hoare.
We had the pleasure of two guests Sylvia and Will Evans. The football card was won by Srafford Pemberton choosing Manchester United.
Next week March 1st., we are at Alicante for a Stableford. First tee time is at 09:57 so please arrive by 09:10 for registration.
Guests are welcome subject to available space and current handicap certification. To book, please contact Michael at mjt@stylepms.com or phone 639242896.