At their Christmas celebration, at El Cid restaurant, local Freemasons Lodge, Javea No 40, raised 430€ in memory of their recently deceased colleague Worshipful Brother Keith Hart from Benigembla, near Jalon.

On 8th February, the current Worshipful Master of the Javea 40 Lodge, W Bro Matthew James, accompanied by his Charity Steward Bro Malcolm March, presented a cheque for this sum to the Headmistress of Benigembla’s local school, Remei Climent Monzo.
Keith’s widow, Jenny Hart, and local Mayor, Rogelio Taverner Sendra, were also present. Benigembla is a small town with less than 500 inhabitants and the school, which caters for children aged between six and eleven, has only eleven pupils.
The Headmistress and pupils were very appreciative of the donation which will be used to purchase much needed books and material for the school library. W. Bro Matthew James and Jenny Hart said that the presentation had been a fitting tribute to Keith’s memory. Mayor Taverner and Headmistress Remei Climent said that Keith and Jenny were both well respected members of the local community in Benigembla and that they had done a lot to help the school over the years. They added that Keith Hart was sorely missed by all.
If you are interested in Freemasonry please contact me on the email below and I will answer any questions you might have.
WBro William Turney Press Officer
Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia
well done to local Freemasons Lodge, Javea No 40 for making the effort to help others, not enough of this good spirit around these days