It was back to our “Home” on another extremely hot Summer’s day, temperatures hit a high of 36 degrees and plenty of water was the order of the day, a little tip drink at least a half litre of water before you go and play as it is difficult the rehydrate quickly when playing.
Considering it is August and the high temperatures the turnout was very good, thankfully a breeze came up in the afternoon to ease the players game.
Yet another well done to Vistabella green staff as the course and in particular the greens is in really good condition considering the heat wave over the past weeks and helped those who could cope with the heat.
1ST Peter Daggart 31 points 1st Malcolm Woods 34 points
2nd Paul Newman 30 points 2nd Geoff Wild 29 points
3rd Derrick Power 27 points 3rd Paul Mutter 25 points
Hole 4: Paul Mutter. Hole 15: Ron Swift
LONGEST DRIVE: Arthur Williams
BEST GUEST: Graham Temple (H/C 3) 33 points
So it was back to St. James’s Gate for the usual menu of the day, thanks to Martin and Mandy for their hospitality.

Our next game on 23rd August is at Font del Llop Golf, please be there by 09:15. For a first tee time of 10:00.
For more information or if you wish to play with arguably the friendliest Golf Society contact Ron Nicholson on 678849142
or email
Gold Category Winners: Paul Newman – Peter Daggart – Derrick Power
Silver Category Winners: Malcolm Wood – Geoff Wild